Easy Weekly Meal Planning – Liturgical Style!

Meal Planning. It’s a necessity of life, because it seems that my family likes to eat at least 20 times per week, give or take. Multiply that by 52 weeks a year, and we’re talking about 1,000+ meals! I’ve often dreamed of having a live-in personal chef…in a perfect world, all of my delicious, nutritiousContinue reading “Easy Weekly Meal Planning – Liturgical Style!”

Hosting a Simple Confirmation Party

I always try to incorporate liturgical colors into our celebrations, so red and white are perfect for a Confirmation Party. Red: for the Holy Spirit, Who came to the disciples in the form of fire at Pentecost. White: for the purity of the Sacrament. My son received his Confirmation when our church capacity was stillContinue reading “Hosting a Simple Confirmation Party”

Hosting a First Holy Communion Party with a Cupcake Rosary

First Holy Communion is a very important day in a child’s life, and it should be celebrated! Here are some ideas to host a party that is sure to be remembered. Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be givenContinue reading “Hosting a First Holy Communion Party with a Cupcake Rosary”

Celebrating Easter: Alleluia! and a Liturgical Breakfast

The first order of business for Easter is to resurrect the Alleluia sign that we buried on Fat Tuesday. My kids take the rule of not saying “Alleluia” during Lent very seriously. Every once in a while, I’ll get a song in my head that contains that word and accidentally sing it. They never failContinue reading “Celebrating Easter: Alleluia! and a Liturgical Breakfast”

Good Friday: Silence and the Crown of Thorns

One of the best ways to celebrate Holy Week is to attend as many Masses as possible. During this week, you can practically live at church: Palm Sunday, with the reading of The Passion, Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, not to mention Stations of the Cross and extra hours for Reconciliation. These liturgies andContinue reading “Good Friday: Silence and the Crown of Thorns”

Holy Thursday: The Last Supper at Home

One of the best ways to celebrate Holy Week is to attend as many Masses as possible. During this week, you can practically live at church: Palm Sunday, with the reading of The Passion, Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, not to mention Stations of the Cross and extra hours for Reconciliation. These liturgies andContinue reading “Holy Thursday: The Last Supper at Home”

Spy Wednesday: The Betrayal of Judas and an At-Home Tenebrae Service

One of the best ways to celebrate Holy Week is to attend as many Masses as possible. During this week, you can practically live at church: Palm Sunday, with the reading of The Passion, Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, not to mention Stations of the Cross and extra hours for Reconciliation. These liturgies andContinue reading “Spy Wednesday: The Betrayal of Judas and an At-Home Tenebrae Service”

Palm Sunday: Welcoming and Learning about Jesus

One of the best ways to celebrate Holy Week is to attend as many Masses as possible. During this week, you can practically live at church: Palm Sunday, with the reading of The Passion, Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, not to mention Stations of the Cross and extra hours for Reconciliation. These liturgies andContinue reading “Palm Sunday: Welcoming and Learning about Jesus”